Saturday, May 18, 2013

Harnessing Wave Power With New 'Oyster' Machine

Harnessing Wave Power With New 'Oyster' Machine

A giant new machine called' Oyster' designed to harness the power of ocean waves and turn it into ‘green' electricity is being installed on the seabed off the Atlantic shores of the Orkney Islands. In autumn 2009 it will undergo demonstration trials to prove whether its innovative technology could lead to a commercial source of renewable energy for use in seashores around the world.

In contrast to many other wave power devices, Oyster uses hydraulic technology to transfer wave power to shore, where it is then converted into electricity. ‘A key design feature is a 18m wide oscillator based on fundamental research at Queen's University Belfast led by Professor Trevor Whittaker using their wave tanks', explains Dr Ronan Doherty, Chief Technical Officer of Aquamarine Power the Edinburgh based company which has developed the first ‘Oyster'. The oscillator is fitted with pistons and, when activated by wave action, pumps high-pressure water through a sub sea pipeline to the shore. Onshore, conventional hydroelectric generators convert this high-pressure water into electrical energy.
‘The whole field of generating electricity from wave power is ground breaking' says Dr Doherty, ‘But Oyster' technology is highly innovative because it relies on simplicity. Its offshore component -a highly reliable flap with minimal submerged moving parts - is the key to its success when operating in seas vulnerable to bad weather where maintenance can be very difficult. There is no underwater generator, power electronics or gearbox underwater to go wrong. All the complex power generation equipment remains easily accessible onshore'.
Oyster is designed to be deployed at near-shore water depths of 12 to 16 metres, benefiting from the more consistent seas and narrower directional spread of the waves in this location. The reduced wave height and load enhance survivability and allow a high percentage of annual average power and consistent power delivery. Any excess energy is spilled over the top of the flap, its rotational capacity allowing it to literally duck under the waves.
The environmental risks associated with the device are minimised by using only water as its hydraulic fluid, rather than oil, and there are no toxic substances involved. It is also silent in operation. Based on figures from the Carbon Trust, each Oyster's annual carbon saving could be as much as 500 tonnes.
Although at an early stage of development, the Oyster concept could have significant potential for use in many locations around the world. Dr Doherty explains: ‘Our computer modelling of coastlines suitable for this technology shows that Spain, Portugal, Ireland and the UK are ideal candidates in Europe. But globally there is huge scope in areas like the North West coast of the USA and coastlines off South Africa, Australia and Chile. We estimate that the potential size of the market could be in excess of £50 billion'.


High Torque Electric Motor Being Tested

High Torque Electric Motor Being Tested

A lightweight electric motor designed by the Electronic Power Group at the University of Oxford is to power a new four-seat coupé, with track tests scheduled for the end of 2009. Isis Innovation, the technology transfer company for Oxford University, is managing the intellectual property and commercial agreements for the electric motor project.

Nick Carpenter, technical director of engineering firm Delta Motorsport has worked for F1 teams, but also programmes in environmentally related technologies and aerodynamic analysis. Delta are aiming to install the motor in their coupe for track tests later this year.
Nick Carpenter said: ‘We believe electric motors are the only way forward for road cars. All road cars will be driven electrically, regardless of how the energy is stored in the vehicle.’
Dr Malcolm McCulloch of Oxford’s Electrical Power Group explains: ‘The motor was developed for the Morgan Lifecar in 2008, and we now have funding to adapt it for high-performance electric vehicles, and we’re also looking at aerospace, renewable and industrial use.’
The Oxford University Challenge Seed Fund is supporting the project with investment to build a prototype for use in test cars.
Dr McCulloch adds: ‘The motor can achieve high torque for its weight, which ultimately means a smaller and cheaper motor. Torque is the twisting force that accelerates the car, and the peak torque we’re aiming for is 500Nm from 25kg.’
‘We’ve optimised the materials and design, so that the motor is lighter and more effective, giving half the volume and twice the torque for the same power output.’
‘Over 50 per cent of the world’s electricity powers electric motors, so it’s extremely important to improve the efficiency of motors. This motor can be adapted to achieve better performance in a whole range of applications.’
Nick Carpenter said: ‘It is an incredibly exciting time for the automotive market. There hasn’t been a rate of change like this since the first few years, and we think that electric drive is going to be the one common theme.’


Electric Fields Have Potential As A Cancer Treatment

Electric Fields Have Potential As A Cancer Treatment


Low-intensity electric fields can disrupt the division of cancer cells and slow the growth of brain tumors, suggest laboratory experiments and a small human trial, raising hopes that electric fields will become a new weapon for stalling the progression of cancer.  

The research, performed by an international team led by Yoram Palti of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, is explained in the August issue of Physics Today.
In the studies, the research team uses alternating electric fields that jiggle electrically charged particles in cells back and forth hundreds of thousands of times per second. The electric fields have an intensity of only one or two volts per centimeter. Such low-intensity alternating electric fields were once believed to do nothing significant other than heat cells. However, in several years' worth of experiments, the researchers have shown that the fields disrupt cell division in tumor cells placed on a glass dish (in vitro).
After intensively studying this effect in vitro and in laboratory animals, the researchers started a small human clinical trial to test its cancer-fighting ability. The technique was applied to ten human patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a form of brain cancer with a very low survival rate. All the patients had their earlier tumors treated by other methods, but the cancer had started to recur in all cases.
Fitting the patients with electrodes that applied 200 kHz electric fields to the scalp at regular intervals for up to 18 hours per day, the researchers observed that the brain tumors progressed to advanced stages much slower than usual (taking a median time of 26 weeks), and sometimes even regressed. The patients also lived considerably longer, with a median survival time of 62 weeks.
While no control group existed, the results compared favorably to historical data for recurrent GBM, in which the time for tumor progression is approximately 10 weeks and the typical survival time is 30 weeks. In addition, 3 of the 10 patients were still alive two years after the electrode therapy started. These results were announced in a recent issue of The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Kirson et al., PNAS 104, 10152-10157, June 12, 2007).
The Physics Today article explains these results in terms of the physical mechanisms that enable the electric fields to affect dividing cancer cells. In vitro, the electric fields were seen to have two effects on the tumor cells.
First, they slowed down cell division. Cells that ordinarily took less than an hour to divide were still not completely divided after three hours of exposure to an electrical field of 200 kHz. Another group consisting of Luca Cucullo, Damir Janigro and their colleagues at the Cleveland Clinic, slowed cell division by applying electric fields with a much lower frequency just 50 Hz. In addition, this protocol demonstrated the ability to decrease the intrinsic drug resistance of the cells.
What causes cell division to slow down" In the 200-kHz case, the electric fields hamper the formation and function of a key cell structure known as the mitotic spindle. The spindle is composed of cell components known as microtubules. The microtubules in turn contain components that have a high electric dipole moment, in which there is a large separation of opposite electric charges. Therefore, parts of the mitotic spindle are greatly influenced, and apparently disrupted, by an electric field.
The second effect of the 200 kHz fields is that they sometimes disintegrated the daughter cells just before they split off from their partners. The dividing cells sometimes destruct because a high-electric-field region develops between the two daughter cells. This leads to a large slope, or gradient, in the electric field from each daughter cell to this region. This gradient may rip organelles (cell structures) and macromolecules (such as proteins) from the scaffolding of the cells.
The alternating electric fields are believed to have similar effects in the human glioblastomas. In contrast, the electric-field treatment poses little danger to normal brain tissue, because healthy brain cells do not divide. The electric fields were only observed to have disruptive effects on dividing cells. Based on the success of their initial human study, the researchers are working on another human clinical trial, this time with a control group receiving chemotherapy. The researchers are also investigating the possibility of combining the electric-field therapy with low-dose chemotherapy.

Transformer and all about it

Smarter Control of Electric Vehicle Batteries

Smarter Control of Electric Vehicle Batteries

Nano electronics technology is improving the way that batteries and motors in electric vehicles are controlled, giving them a longer range on each charge.

Electric vehicles are fitted with one or several electric motors driven by energy stored in large batteries that may consist of thousands of small cells. These high-capacity batteries give current models of electric cars a range of up to 200 kilometres.
The EU's E3Car project is studying how to utilise battery power as efficiently as possible in such vehicles. SINTEF is one of 33 participants in the project, which comprise vehicle manufacturers, automotive industry suppliers and research centres from all over Europe.
The project has taken up challenges on several fronts. Battery efficiency, higher energy density and power and energy control make up one group of topics. The infrastructure required for rapid charging or systematic change of battery is another. And smart dynamic sensor-based monitoring, where nanoelectronics can provide real-time control, is a third field of research.
"SINTEF's area is on the nanoelectronics side, and we are putting up expertise on energy conversion and voltage convertors," says project manager Ovidiu Vermesan of SINTEF ICT. Together with the Norwegian companies ElBil Norge and Think Global, the SINTEF project group is looking at power and energy control in what they call the cars of the future.
The E3Car project is looking to use microprocessors, ligic circuits and sensors that will continuously monitor voltage, current and temperature in the battery pack. Measurements of this sort will allow certain operations to be cut out and the energy used to power others. If a sensor exceeds its permitted range, for example, the battery pack can be disconnected in a millisecond.
"The battery voltage needs to lie around what the motor requires -- 200 -- 400 volts. But we can convert vehicle motors to operate at a lower voltage (100V), which would mean less risk in the event of fire or traffic accidents," says Vermesan.
Great potential
E3Car is the Largest European research project on the development of nanotechnology for electric vehicles. The project is still in its very first phase, and is intended to run until 2012, with a total budget of € 44 million.
SINTEF regards participation in the project as extremely useful, as the results will be of importance not only for vehicles, but also for energy consumption in other applications.
"We can envisage a wide range of market and environmental possibilities," says Ovidiu Vermesan


Charging Electric Vehicles Cheaper and Faster

Charging Electric Vehicles Cheaper and Faster



Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have developed a unique integrated motor drive and battery charger for electric vehicles. Compared to today's electric vehicle chargers, they have managed to shorten the charging time from eight to two hours, and to reduce the cost by around $2,000.

Saeid Haghbin, doctor of electric power engineering, undertook his doctoral studies in order to develop the optimal electric vehicle charger. The result is a novel high-power integrated motor drive and battery charger for vehicle applications, where a new power transfer method has been introduced involving what is known as a rotating transformer.
"The ideal scenario would be to have a charger powerful enough to charge a car in five to ten minutes, but this would cost over $100,000, which is more expensive than the car itself," says Saeid Haghbin. "The question we posed was: how can we reduce the size, weight and price of the on-board charger."
Since the electric motor and the inverter are not used during battery charging, the researchers looked into the possibility of using them in the charger circuit and building some kind of integrated motor and battery charger. In other words, would it be possible to use the motor and inverter in the charger circuit to increase the charging power at a lower cost?
"Instead of having a separate isolated battery charger, we introduced a new concept for the power transfer, the rotating transformer, which was developed to transfer electric power while rotating," says Saeid Haghbin. "The battery is charged through the transformer and a split-phase electric motor that was especially designed for this purpose."
The Chalmers integrated charger is, from a university perspective, still on laboratory level. To achieve a more optimal system, further investigations and experimentation are necessary. However, the product has resulted in both a Swedish and an international patent. Chalmers is trying to find a potential industrial user, and Volvo AB is working on the concept for further enhancement to be used in its system.
"Electric cars have been discussed as a possible solution to reduce carbon emissions for a long time, but scientists debate whether this mode of transportation is the future or not," says Saeid Haghbin. "If we manage to solve the main problems with the battery and the battery chargers, I think the electric vehicles will succeed. And in general, I think electric transportation will become more common in the future, for example trains, trams and plug-in hybrids."


Friday, May 17, 2013

Embedded C Programming with 8051

Embedded C Programming with 8051
Click on below link

Invention Story of Lie detector Microchip and Walkman

 Lie Detector
Inventor of Lie detector called it cardie-pneumo-psychograph. It was a magic box that had the power to peep in one’s mind and figure out who was pilfering jewelry and cash at college boardinghouse. But to future generations and newspaper reading people, this magic box was lie detector, a machine to help a way out of doubtful scientific credentials and dubious ethical aura.
In the era that led to birth of scientific industrial management, I.Q. test and time motion study, a group of American Inventors and the social reformers had dreamt of a device that could separate truth from the deception by measuring body responses like pulse rate, blood pressure.
One of the early proponents claimed that this ‘mechanical instrument of future’ would replace jury deliberations, conventional police interrogations. It would also lend a hand to government and private companies in weeding out spies, thieves. It would beam in deepest corners of human psyche and advancing works of psychiatrists. But the man behind the invention, John Larson despaired while taking his breaths and called it a Frankenstein’s monster that had sucked 40 years of his life.
The persistent as well as unusual grip of the lie detector on American thoughts provided rich material for Lie Detector’s invention. Various cases including that of Torso Murderers, Cleveland, story of Dick Tracy or William James stirred with scientific visions led to invention of lie detector.

Lie detector historyEarliest antecedents of modern lie detector come from device that used trial by torture or ordeal. During Middle Ages in the Europe, torture was the practice that rooted from theory that stated - an agonizing body could oblige a lying mind to croak the secret out. But in 1730, this method of torture for extracting the truth from a person made an exit and a new lie detection method took over. Daniel Defoe was the earliest of men to suggest such a method through evaluation of heart rate. In 18th century, the torturous methods declined completely due to continuous campaigns against the judicial torture in the Europe. This humane way of detecting lie through lie detector was accepted by majority during this time.
The evolution of lie detector was slow but was a pioneering invention for the entire mankind. The emergence started slowly with the initial tests for determining the physical responses during act of deception. Cesare Lombroso also known as Father of the Modern Criminology was the first one to try of application of science for detecting deception. He made use of device known as plethysmograph that monitored changes in blood flow of person at the time of interrogation.
Another breakthrough came in the year 1897 with development of method to measure galvanic responses by B. Sticker. This method used amount of sweat produced on skin with the help of electric conductibility during the test. And in 1914, breathing rate measurement using the pneumatic tubing was done by Vittorio Benussi. This device was draped around the person’s chest for measuring the rate and depth of breath. Benussi discovered ratio of expiration and inspiration was usually greater at the time of truth telling than lying. This method of truth discovery by Benussi gave an important revelation that it was not just pulse rate, sweat production and the blood pressure that helped in lie detection but the breathing rates too. All these findings amalgamated together formed the modern day lie detector known as polygraph.
microchip history
Jack Kilby is one of the heroes from the success story of microchip. Among very few who really thought of giving something to the society that could truly transform the way it works, Kilby was one of them. He had an important role in offering a breakthrough to the technological world. Like all other champions, Kilby was keen to explore the world. His world of exploration was the world of technology where he developed ceramic base circuits with silk screen to fit the electronic products. And soon his zeal to improvise led to earliest electronic circuit which almost half of paper clips’s size. While working at the Texas Instruments, he had designed thing platform made of crystal and this worked as sole processing system for connecting various components like capacitors, resistors and transistors. Earlier connected with wires, the chip helped in avoiding entangling, enhancing processing speed. He kept a foundation stone in the invention of microchip in 1958.
Jack Kilby initiated various commercial, industrial and military microchip applications. He lead the teams that were involved in earliest computer with integrated circuit and military systems. Not just this, Kilby has around 60 patents in his name. National Medal, hall of fame and so many patents, he had everything a person could ask for. But microchip’s success is not just his; there are others also who had the same curious mind and wisdom that made journey of the integrated circuit from a crude invention to a huge market.
Before big shots like Google, Apple, Microsoft or any other dotcom contributed to microchip, a group of young fellows sowed its seeds. Interestingly, it all started with their hatred; hatred towards their boss. Many of us dislike our bosses but what was different in these young fellows’ case was that the hatred worked as an inspiration for them to come up with something as great as an integrated chip. It was group of eight men, all with one thing in common- dislike against their boss, who decided to start a transistor company. And the leader of group was Robert Noyce. The young fellow was known as Rapid Robert due to his fast and witty mind which was proved right when came up company called Fairchild Semiconductor. By polishing his business skills, he along with his team had made huge profits and a company with around 11,000 employees in just a decade.
Then in 1959, this ordinary man with extraordinary passion gave earliest integrated circuit to the world. It was just one of the 17 patents that are awarded to him. The earliest integrated chip which was commercially available also came from his company. Individual transistors in computers were replaced by chips.  And In 1968, this young man along with his co-founder friend Gordon Moore from the company started a small company known as Intel. It was his leadership skills and hardwork that helped Intel drive from a small company to one of largest companies of semiconductor chip today.
Walkman, the name itself arouses curiosity. And not only does it have an interesting name but is an interesting gadget too. Walkman got its name from brand Sony. It brought a revolution in the music listening habits by allowing people to carry their favorite music while they were on move. Launch of pre-recorded tapes towards the end of 1960s had unwrapped new market already. And Compact tape size worked for Walkman and made it fit for mobility and car stereos as compared to 8 –tracks or vinyl.
In July 1979, Sony Corporation launched Sony Walkman, silver and blue colored portable player with flashy buttons, leather case and headphones. It also offered an extra earphone jack to let two people listen music at the same time but was a little bulky. One day Sony’s co-founder, Masura Ibuka while travelling for business, asked his executive deputy president to design a model that could be used with headphones. And then high quality, compact music player was launched.
This device now needed a name. Originally Walkman was launched in US with the name of Sound- About and in UK with Stowaway. But the only problem was that coming up uncopyrighted , new names for each country proved expensive. However Sony chose ‘Walkman’ as the name. Released first in Japan, the production proved to be a big hit. While the company had predicted sale of only 5000 units in the month, Walkman was sold, more than 50,000 in first two months.
Sony was although not the first company to launch portable audio or the portable transistors. Regency TR 1 which was of size of index card made its debut in 1954. But unique combination of privacy and portability offered by Walkman made it ideal product for consumers looking for portable stereos. TPS L2 was launched later in June 1980.

1980’s can be very well known as the decade of Walkman. Apart from Sony, brands such as Toshiba, Panasonic and Aiwa helped tapes to outsell the vinyl records in year 1983 for the first time. And by year 1986, word ‘Walkman’ had made a place in Oxford Dictionary. Fortunately, its invention clashed with beginning of aerobics craze among people and millions of them used it for keeping themselves entertained while working out. Between years 1987-97, popularity of Walkman reached to its highest.
Sony did not stop rolling out variations of the product in the market. Innovations such as bass boost, FM/ AM receivers, auto reverse were a part of later models. The company even launched water resistant Walkman, device with two cassette players and one that worked with solar energy.
But capturing such a large part of the market was not a cakewalk for the company. Sony had to face many entry barriers. Just before Walkman was making an entry into market, its image was stained by press, which considered a cassette player without recorder worthless and letdown to the company. Sony without paying attention at negative comments, geared up for the product launch. Management of the company did not want to promote the product in traditional manner. So they organized a bus tour with journalists.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What is the difference between synchronous motor and induction motor?

What is the difference between synchronous motor and induction motor?


Synchronous and induction machines both produce torque through the interaction of a rotor magnetic field and a stator magnetic field. The differences between the two types of machines arise because of the differences in the way the rotor magnetic field is generated.
Synchronous machines have a stationary (relative to the rotor) magnetic field on the rotor. This field can be generated either by permanent magnets, or by a field winding powered through slip rings. The interaction of this field with the rotating field on the stator creates torque and causes the motor to rotate. A synchronous motor always rotates at some multiple, determined by the number of poles, of the line frequency. If a synchronous motor loses lock with the line frequency, e.g., by torque overload, it will stall. A synchronous motor cannot start by itself on a fixed frequency AC source. It either needs to be fed a variable frequency source, or it needs to be brought up to speed by an auxiliary motor, sometimes called a pony motor, so that it can generate torque. Synchronous machines usually require some form of control to keep the rotor speed locked to the line frequency.
Induction machines have a rotating (relative to the rotor) magnetic field on the rotor. In a squirrel cage motor, this field is created because the motion of the stator field relative to the shorted rotor cage induces currents in the rotor. These currents generate the rotor field, which interacts with the stator field to create torque. A wound-rotor induction machine has rotor windings similar to a synchronous machine, in which currents are induced by the rotating stator field. Induction motors always rotate in some narrow speed range that is less than synchronous speed. This speed difference, which is necessary to generate the rotor field, is called the "slip." Low slip machines, which turn at very near synchronous speed, are more efficient than high slip machines, but have lower starting torque. Induction machines can produce some torque at zero speed, so they are capable of starting themselves if the load torque is low enough at zero speed. The torque-speed characteristic of induction machines at rated speed has a negative slope (as speed decreases, torque increases). As a result, induction machines do not require controls to operate - the feedback mechanism is built into the machine.
The winding resistance a wound-rotor induction machine can be varyied by connecting resistors to the rotor windings via the slip rings. This allows the torque-speed characteristics of the wound-rotor machine to be varied as needed (e.g., high resistance (= high slip) for high starting torque and then low resistance (= low slip) for high efficiency at rated speed).
The absence of a rotor winding makes squirrel cage induction machines significantly cheaper to manufacture than synchronous machines (or wound-rotor induction machines). Squirrel cage machines are extremely rugged because of the lack of a wound rotor (the cage is usually cast right into the rotor laminations), and the lack of slip rings makes them more suitable for explosive environments because there is no arcing mechanism. The circulating currents in an induction machine rotor lead to resistive losses that make induction machines less efficient that synchronous machines.
Summary of differences:
Synchronous machines:

  • Wound-rotor or permanent magnet to generate the rotor magnetic field.
  • Rotor magnetic field is stationary with respect to the rotor.
  • Always turn at synchronous speed.
  • Require some form of control to operate.
  • More expensive to produce than squirrel cage induction machines.
  • Not self-starting.
  • More efficient than induction machines.

Induction Machines:
  • Wound-rotor or squirrel cage to generate the rotor magnetic field.
  • Rotor magnetic field rotates with respect to the rotor.
  • Always turn at less than synchronous speed.
  • Do not require control.
  • Much cheaper to produce (true for squirrel cage machines).
  • Self-starting.
  • Less efficient than synchronous machines.
  • More suitable for explosive environments.
  • No maintenance (for squirrel cage machines).


Some Basic Fundamental of SRM motor (with animation )

 Some Basic Fundamental of SRM motor (with animation )

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Led blinking program with pic16f887 and mikroC PRO for PIC

Led blinking program with pic16f887 and mikroC PRO for PIC



The following program flashes 8 LEDs on  the PORTC pins of the pic16f887.

Source Code

void main() {
PORTC=0;  //initialize portc
TRISC=0b00000000;   //configure portc as output
ANSELH=0;    //configure an pin as digital I/O
PORTC=~PORTC;     //toggle portc
delay_ms(10000);   //1s delay


Stepper Motor Interfacing With Microcontroller

Stepper Motor Interfacing With Microcontroller


A stepper motor is a brushless, synchronous electric motor that converts electrical  pulses into mechanical movement. Every revolution of the stepper motor is divided into a discrete number of steps, and the motor must be sent a separate pulse for each step. The stepper motor can only take one step at a time and each step is the same size. Since each pulse causes the motor to rotate a precise angle, the motor’s position can be controlled without any feedback mechanism. As the electrical pulses increase in frequency, the step movement changes into continuous rotation, with the speed of rotation directly proportional to the frequency of the pulses. Step motors are used every day in both industrial and commercial applications because of their low cost, high reliability, high torque at low speeds and a simple, rugged construction that operates in almost any environment.
►Unipolar stepper motor
The unipolar stepper motor has five or six wires and four coils (actually two coils divided by center connections on each coil). The center connections of the coils are tied together and used as the power connection. They are called unipolar steppers because power always comes in on this one pole.
Unipolar Stepper Motor Windings
►Bipolar stepper motor
The bipolar stepper motor usually has four wires coming out of it. Unlike unipolar steppers, bipolar steppers have no common center connection. They have two independent sets of coils instead. You can distinguish them from unipolar steppers by measuring the resistance between the wires. You should find two pairs of wires with equal resistance. If you’ve got the leads of your meter connected to two wires that are not connected (i.e. not attached to the same coil), you should see infinite resistance (or no continuity).
Bipolar Stepper Motor windings

Step Sequence

Stepper motors can be driven in two different patterns or sqeunces. namely,
  • Full Step Sequence
  • Half Step Sequence
►Full Step Sequence
In the full step sequence, two coils are energized at the same time and motor shaft rotates. The order in which coils has to be energized is given in the table below.
Full Step Sequence
►Half Step Sequence

In Half mode step sequence, motor step angle reduces to half the angle in full mode. So the angualar resolution is also increased i.e. it becomes double the angular resolution in full mode. Also in half mode sequence the number of steps gets doubled as that of full mode. Half mode is usually preffered over full mode. Table below shows the pattern of energizing the coils.
Half Step Sequence
►Step Angle
Step angle of the stepper motor is defined as the angle traversed by the motor in one step. To calculate step angle,simply divide 360 by number of steps a motor takes to complete one revolution. As we have seen that in half mode, the number of steps taken by the motor to complete one revolution gets doubled, so step angle reduces to half.
As in above examples, Stepper Motor rotating in full mode takes 4 steps to complete a revolution, So step angle can be calculated as…
Step Angle ø = 360° / 4 = 90°
and in case of half mode step angle gets half so 45°.
So this way we can calculate step angle for any stepper motor. Usually step angle is given in the spec sheet of the stepper motor you are using. Knowing stepper motor’s step angle helps you calibrate the rotation of motor also to helps you move the motor to correct angular position.

►Connecting Unipolar Stepper Motor with Microcontroller(PIC16F887) using ULN2003
Stepper Motor Interfacing with microcontroller Using ULN2003
►Connecting Unipolar Stepper Motor with Microcontroller(PIC16F887) using L293D
Stepper Motor Interfacing With microcontroller Using L293D

Source Code

Here,I  have used PIC16F887  Microcntroller  and Code is written in C using mikroC PRO for PIC.Adjusting the delay will increase or decrease the speed of the motor. Here just for demonstration i have taken some delay, you can change it as you want.
►Programming Full step Sequence

void main() {ANSEL  = 0;                // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
PORTD = 0;
TRISD = 0;                 // Configure PORTD as output while(1){
►Programming Half step Sequence
void main() {
ANSEL  = 0;                // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
PORTD = 0;
TRISD = 0;                 // Configure PORTD as output


Induction Motor Drives

Discrete Fourier Transforms

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How Capacitor Work with Internal Structure

How Capacitor Work with Internal Structure

Capacitor is a widely used electronic component. It stores electric charge and then discharges it into the circuit. It blocks the direct current and allows the alternating current to pass through it. Depending on the purpose, there are a variety of capacitors being used like ceramic, electrolytic, mylar, mica, etc. We will explore an electrolytic capacitor through this article.
Structure of a Capacitor: A capacitor contains two conductor plates which are generally made of metal and an insulator between them. This insulator also known as dielectric is made up of material like paper, plastic, ceramic or glass. The two plates are electrically connected to the external circuit with the help of two thin metal rods also known as the legs of the capacitor.
These two plates are used to store charge between them. One is connected with positive voltage and other one with negative voltage. A capacitor is characterized by the parameter capacitance. Capacitance is measured as ratio of difference of charges between the plates and total voltage drop between the plates.
C = dQ/dV
The unit of capacitance is FARAD.
Let’s have a closer look into the structure and how a capacitor is able to store charge.
Electrolyte Capacitor 
The above image shows a simple electrolytic capacitor with two thin rods coming out from the cylindrical container. The capacitor is wrapped up using a plastic covering. This covering is done to label the capacitor.
Metal Container

Capacitor metal container and label

Capacitor Internal Structure
Inside the metal case is a folded layer of dielectric in between metal plates. Next images give a clear perception of the internal structure of the capacitor.
 Inside a Capacitor 
In the above image, we can clearly see two different types of layers, folded like a swiss roll. A dielectric layer is sandwiched between two metal plates. These metal plates are used to store charge and the dielectric works as an insulator between them. These plates are folded round to minimize the size of the capacitor.
One plate works as cathode and another as anode.  To increase the value of a capacitor and the same time to keep the size smaller, we use electrolyte. However depending on the size and application, there are different types of electrolytes used in different ways within a capacitor.Generally, anode is soaked into liquid  electrolyte to increase the surface area of the plate as well as efficiency. 
Unfolding these plates brings us even closer to the internal architecture of the Capacitor.
Capacitor Metal Electrodes 
Now, you can see that the plates are directly connected to the legs of capacitor and a rubber stand is used to hold these plates.
Capacitor Plates  
Lastly to summarize the building block of a capacitor includes a pair of metal plates, thin rods, a dielectric, a rubber stand, a metal container and a plastic covering.
Formation of a Capacitor, Parts of a capacitor 


DARPA_Must see this Video for New Technology

DARPA_Must see this Video for New Technology

8051 with ADC

8051 Core Specification

Seven Segment Interfacing with 8051

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Power Mosfet IRF Series with all Data

Part No. Description More
Package Package
IRF150 IRF150 38A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET No TO-3 1 $1.75  
IRF250 IRF250 30A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET No TO-204 1 $1.75  
IRF350 IRF350 14A 400V N-Channel Power MOSFET No TO-3 1 $1.75  
IRF510 IRF510 5.6A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.55
IRF520 IRF520 10A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.55
IRF530 IRF530 14A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.55
IRF540 IRF540 30A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.60
IRF610 IRF610 3.3A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.38
IRF620 IRF620 6A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.45
IRF630 IRF630 9A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.65
IRF634 IRF634 8.1A 250V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.50
IRF640 IRF640 18A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.65
IRF644 IRF644 14A 250V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.65
IRF720 IRF720 3.3A 400V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.50
IRF730 IRF730 5.5A 400V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.75
IRF740 IRF740 10A 400V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.85
IRF820 IRF820 2.5A 500V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.50
IRF830 IRF830 4.5A 500V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.65
IRF840 IRF840 8A 500V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $1.10
IRF1010N IRF1010N 85A 55V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.85
IRF1404 IRF1404 202A 40V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $1.90
IRF1405 IRF1405 169A 55V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $2.40
IRF3205 IRF3205 110A 55V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.95
IRF3315 IRF3315 27A 150V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.75
IRF3415 IRF3415 43A 150V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $1.30
IRF3710 IRF3710 57A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.80
IRF4905 IRF4905 74A 55V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $1.25
IRF5210 IRF5210 40A 100V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.90
IRF5305 IRF5305 31A 55V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.80
IRF9520 IRF9520 6.8A 100V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.80
IRF9530 IRF9530 12A 100V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.90
IRF9531 IRF9531 12A 60V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.90
IRF9532 IRF9532 10A 100V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $1.20
IRF9533 IRF9533 10A 60V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.90
IRF9540 IRF9540 23A 100V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.90
IRF9610 IRF9610 1.8A 200V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.70
IRF9630 IRF9630 6.5A 200V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.65
IRF9640 IRF9640 11A 200V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.90
IRF9Z34N IRF9Z34N 19A 55V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.55
IRFBG Series
IRFBG30 IRFBG30 3.1A 1000V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.90
IRFD Series
IRFD014 IRFD014 1.7A 60V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes HD-1 1 $0.40
IRFD024 IRFD024 2.5A 60V N-Channel Power MOSFET No HD-1 1 $0.40  
IRFD110 IRFD110 1A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes HD-1 1 $0.50
IRFD120 IRFD120 1.3A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes HD-1 1 $0.55
IRFD9014 IRFD9014 1.1A 60V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes HD-1 1 $0.50
IRFD9024 IRFD9024 1.6A 60V P-Channel Power MOSFET No HD-1 1 $0.50  
IRFD9120 IRFD9120 1A 100V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes HD-1 1 $0.55
IRFL Series
IRFL014 IRFL014 2.7A 60V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes SOT-223 1 $0.40
IRFL110 IRFL110 1.5A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes SOT-223 1 $0.38
IRFL210 IRFL210 0.96A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes SOT-223 1 $0.35
IRFL214 IRFL214 0.79A 250V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes SOT-223 1 $0.35
IRFL4310 IRFL4310 1.6A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes SOT-223 1 $0.80
IRFL9014 IRFL9014 1.8A 60V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes SOT-223 1 $0.50
IRFL9110 IRFL9110 1.1A 100V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes SOT-223 1 $0.35
IRFP Series
IRFP140N IRFP140 33A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $1.75
IRFP150 IRFP150 42A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $2.70
IRFP240 IRFP240 20A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $2.40
IRFP250 IRFP250 33A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $3.00
IRFP254N IRFP254 23A 250V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $1.90
IRFP260N IRFP260 50A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $2.20
IRFP350 IRFP350 16A 400V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $4.20
IRFP450 IRFP450 14A 500V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $3.90
IRFP460 IRFP460 20A 500V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $2.20
IRFP9240 IRFP9240 12A 200V P-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-247 1 $2.90
IRFR Series
IRFR120N IRFR120 9.4A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-252 1 $0.38
IRFR220N IRFR220N 5A 200V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-252 1 $0.38
IRFR320 IRFR320 3.1A 400V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-252 1 $0.45
IRFR420 IRFR420 2.4A 400V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-252 1 $0.55
IRFZ Series
IRFZ14 IRFZ14 10A 60V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.50
IRFZ24N IRFZ24N 17A 55V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.50
IRFZ34 IRFZ34 26A 55V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.80
IRFZ44 IRFZ44 49A 55V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.50
IRFZ46 IRFZ46 50A 50V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.70
IRFZ48 IRFZ48 50A 60V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.70
IRL520N IRL520 10A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.70
IRL540N IRL540 36A 100V N-Channel Power Transistor Yes TO-220 1 $0.60
IRL2203 IRL2203 116A 30V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $1.20
IRL3705 IRL3705 89A 55V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.85
IRL3803 IRL3803 140A 30V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.90
IRLZ34N IRLZ34N 30A 55V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.55
MPF Series
MPF102 MPF102 JFET N-Channel VHF Amplifier Yes TO-92 1 $0.40
STP Series
STP40NF10L STP40NF10L 40A 100V N-Channel Power MOSFET Yes TO-220 1 $0.75
VN Series
VN2410L VN2410L 1A 240V N-Channel DMOS FET Yes TO-92 1 $0.30